April 15, 2008

"She makes speaking be much more easier."

Rate my Professors.com

This is the administrator, THIS RATING IS TEMP. concerning the message below this one. If you click “report error with this professor” and leave me a name and BSU e-mail address so I can verify that you are a student with a normal request. I have noticed that any negative rating for Nancy X. has been requested to be deleted and this is suspicious.

Wow Nancy X. is the most unprofessional teacher I have ever had. She was unwilling to listen to her students and she also picked favorites. She needs some communication skills herself because in order to be a good speaker, you must be a good listener as well. She does not belong in a college classroom.

She’s horrible! She’s very biased and favors students. If she doesn’t like you then you’re screwed! She’s very unorganized and did not prepare you AT ALL! She makes public speaking harder than it should have been and she expects alot from you.

And then this…

Professor Nancy X. is an excellent teacher. She makes COM 2020 so interesting and fun. She makes speaking be much more easier. She demands a lot of work and perfection. Stick with her for COM 2020. Other professors that teach this class are horrible. Prepares you heavily for the final exam.


Oh my God! “She makes speaking be much more easier.” The awkwardness of the students’ comments I can understand, they’re in college to learn. But what about that last entry. The teacher makes the class “so interesting,” “stick with her,” and finally, “other teachers that teach this class are horrible.” What kind of student would know, let alone say, that all of the other teachers are horrible. “Prepares you heavily for the final exam” is, of course, not a sentence. I’m surprised she didn’t add “rubber ducky you’re the one, you make bath time lots of fun.” Did I say “she?” I guess I did.

Gee, I wonder why?

Here’s something really scary. In winter 08 Nancy taught Com.666, 101, and Eng.151. And something even more horrifying, as of right now, in the winter semester coming to a close, she is teaching two classes, Oral Communication, and Business and Professional Presentation, which she describes this way in the course catalogue: “persuasive speaking, informative speaking, speech writing, multi-media presentation, and business and report writing.” Unbelievable!

Call this blog entry a teaser for the next chapter of the Nancy saga.


Anonymous said...

Dear profesor Tesseir--

You have like the most funest blog ever!

Signed, a student.

Michael Stadler said...

A long ago Herb Caen favorite for Communications perfesser:
May 20, 1985
HOW LONG, O Lord, how long?: U.C. Extension's summer catalog is out and I opened it with fear and trembling only to find my worst fears had come true again. For the 12th year in a row,

Shirley Nice

is teaching

"How to Handle People With Tact and Skill."