August 11, 2010

What to do?

“Then cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door.”

-- William Blake 1757 – 1827: “Holy Thursday” (1789)

It’s been awhile.

How beautiful the UP was over the month we spent up there. At the heart of our stay was, of course, Mcgoo’s Birthday Bash. I would give the social component an A+ and the musical assessment an A-/B+. Friday was fun, and Mr. Bill Etten was in full throat on Saturday.

Myself, after two failed attempts to remedy my sight (see a previous blog on this) I’m scheduled for major eye surgery (retinal detachment) on Friday.

How’s Tim?

I don’t like to see my brother suffer, but suffer he does. His last post mentioned euthanasia. The problem for me, and those closest to Mcgoo, is that out political and religious views – our moral beliefs -- melt in the face of seeing his pain and anguish. Now, it matters little what form his relief and our compassion take. We want for his happiness.

Love - Randy

image by Polly Becker