December 15, 2009

Forever Always Ends

“She brought forth her firstborn son,

and wrapped him in swaddling

clothes, and laid him in a manger;

because there was no room for them

in the inn.”

Bible: St. Luke

I’m sure I’ve mentioned my aversion to the holidays. All that phony peace on earth and goodwill towards men baloney is enough to make the staunchest hypocrite blanch. Couple that with a football and gluttony fest thinly disguised by a nativity myth and you’ve got one sick holiday.

But seriously, getting and spending just ain’t what it used to be. How can you spend when you ain’t got? All that stimulus horsecrap can only work when the pig getting stimulated spreads the wealth, and you know that ain’t gonna happen, cause that’s a, whaddaya you call it? Oh yea, SOCIALISM! The Obamans’ plan was to have the fat cats share the wealth after the bailout trickled up from us taxpayers. So what’s the result of the corporate rescues and economic stimulus: lowered credit limits and escalating interest rates across the board. Nice. Oh well, at least the arms merchants are making money off of the war. That’s capitalism. It’s good?

Survival of the richest.

What happens when masses of people need food?

Unemployment, Swine flu, erectile dysfunction, foreclosures, rising prices, cancer, you name it, there’s always something to sway our attention from global warming. I say this in reference to the Polar bear.

The way Glenn and I see it is like this. Time passes, the earth changes, animals come and go, man is a part of that big picture, and the Polar bears’ inevitable extinction is a part of the universe’s natural process.

A fine thing it is when a guy steals your shoes at Christmas. I’d bought em’ on 8th avenue and only had em’ a month when they went missing. Wouldn’t have thought much about em’ were it not for seeing that scene in “Treasure of Sierra Madre” where the guys caught wearing Dobsy’s shoes after killing him on the trail. It’s about how the winds of envy and greed ultimately blow out the pilot light of character, the movie, that is.

Merry Christmas - Randy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bah humbug to you!
But a Happy Birthday tomorrow!
I know you will recognize that day!
Bonni Q