October 25, 2008

The New Republic

"Ignorance is an evil weed, which dictators may cultivate among their dupes, but which no democracy can afford among its citizens."
-- William Henry Beveridge 1879-1963: "Full Employment in a Free society" (1944)

Dear Readers:

For years I subscribed to The New Republic. They have one of the greatest film reviewers of all time, Stanley Kauffmann, a sophisticated arts section, sensational book reviews, and the kind of intellectual reportage that requires critical investment and thoughtful consideration. While I think Harpers Magazine and the Manchester Guardian are better, TNR is far and away superior to The New Yorker and Atlantic. When I knew last fall I would be staying at home with nothing to do but drink, take oxys, and enjoy my chemo, I had Brigitte take all of these magazines (which she kindly paid for).

Why, you may ask, had I let my subscription to TNR lapse? Because even the most intelligent journalism can err in its judgment, making that most fatal choice of confusing knowledge with wisdom. How unwise TNR was when it endorsed George Bush for president! And how much they were akin to the lemming-like public that now clamors to jump back up the cliff they so gleefully leapt from. As if American Exceptionalism might somehow defy gravity. The foolish public that voted this charlatan in now reminds me of Peter's denial after the Crucifixion. Condemning, castigating, and railing mightily against the idiot they put in office, they are now deaf to the cock's third crow. In fact, as it invariably happens, when I ask those who put forth the loudest protestations, remonstrations, and denunciations, "who did you vote for"?, their self righteous yaking becomes not a shout, but a whisper. "Bush," they quietly admit. To which I, in my best Limbaughian pomposity, reply, "then fercrissakes shutup."

Now comes TNR's endorsement of Obama: "The past eight years have been like watching a TV makeover show in reverse. We entered the Bush era a ravishing beauty attracting envious stares. We leave it a gum-smacking sad sack with split ends and an empty social calendar. Over the course of George W. Bush's second term, in particular, the images of our country have not just been unattractive but virtually apocalyptic: a major city destroyed; cars raining into the Mississippi from a crumbling bridge; swaths of exurbia dotted with foreclosed homes; a financial system in ruins; angry emotionalism flooding politics." Can you call the editors of an esteemed national magazine a bunch of stupid dipshits? I suppose the Brits would call this "bad form." Then again, these snaggle-toothed, pallorless, wannabes--the English--have heretofore been our staunchest allies in pursing the folly of Iraq. They should all move to the continent and take civility lessons from the French, Germans, and Swedes.

Congratulations TNR, you've come to your senses. Let's hope your endorsement's not too late to save our ruined country, a nation that's lost its moral compass. "Apocalyptic" indeed!

There is more to being an American than wrapping oneself in the flag and espousing a blowhard terrorist patriotism. There is the matter of being a compassionate world citizen, a person who realizes that, in the words of the "Gonzo Dog Band," 'we're all bozos on this bus.' A sham-tram on which our gangster administration has been asleep at the wheel; recklessly, and unilaterally, mowing down innocent foreign civilians; stripping us of our civil rights; torturing human beings; and ignoring the plight of a suffering world that desperately needs our help.
Instead, our taxes fund senseless wars in faraway places where our sons and daughters die for nothing; lavish AIG soirees and hunting parties; bail outs of an obscenely rich ruling class that comprises 5% of the population and controls 95% of the wealth; donations to outrageously greedy banks; and Saks Fifth Avenue wardrobes for a mindless "let them eat cake" bimbo and her toady and senile lackey .

Horror of horrors! How dare someone--and an uppity quadroon at that--put forth the scurrilous and offensive idea of spreading the wealth around! For shame, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama!

In between whining about our 401K's going down the drain, and the declining value of our homes and portfolios, we might take note of the plight of our fellow human beings and seriously consider the Christian ethic we so righteously trumpet and blindly ignore (click on the photos above): "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have selected another great quote. And you hold up a mirror with your writing that everyone should look into as we laugh to ease the pain of a crumbling empire. But, sadly this is no laughing matter as the pics you've chosen speak millions of words.

Let them have beer and bread