March 12, 2010

What is "Politically Motivated Torture"?

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer."
-- William Blackstone 1723-80: "Commentaries in the Laws of England" (1765)

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
-- Martin Luther King 1929-68 "Letter From Birmingham Jail" (1963)

March 11, 2010

Outraged by Glenn Beck’s Salvo, Christians Fire Back

Last week, the conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck called on Christians to leave their churches if they hear preaching about social or economic justice, saying they were code words for Communism and Nazism.

This week the remarks prompted outrage from several Christian bloggers. The Rev. Jim Wallis, who leads the liberal Christian anti-poverty group Sojourners, in Washington, called on Christians to leave Glenn Beck.

Mr. Beck said on his radio show on March 2, “I beg you, look for the words ‘social justice’ or ‘economic justice’ on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words.”

March 11, 2010

U.S. Report

Describes Worsening Human Rights in Iran and China

WASHINGTON — At a time of heavy international pressure on Iran, the State Department said on Thursday that the human rights situation therehad “degenerated” since the disputed presidential election last year. In a toughly worded analysis, the department cited killings of election protesters and acts of politically motivated torture, beatings and rape.

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