May 18, 2008

Robert Glantz

“We are the Ski-doos, we do as we choose.”
-- Sudstermaki, 2013

“No! No! No! No! “We are just a band, we do what we can.”

I think I wrote that, much cooler, hipper, more FUCKING profound.

“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore.”

That’s either Bob Dylan or Peter Finch, or, Howard Beach.


Uh-oh, I’m starting to sound like Herzog’s version of “Grizzly Man.”

Anyway, my chemobrain is kickin up its heels, silver heels at that, Chemosabe.

I’ve got a big problem. Charlton Heston keeps channeling me from Heaven, or Hell, or Purgatory, or wherever the Limbo he is. Boy, am I clueless, I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.

What this means, is that I need a, let me see, one, no two, day vacation.

So move over Rover, and let Sudsy take over! (Foxy Man - doo-doo-doo,doo,-doo)

Sat, 17 May 2008 12:53:08 -0700 [05/17/2008 03:53:08 PM EDT]
Robert Glantz
Re: Coulter, etc.


Sure. Please feel free to use any of this e-mail chain on the blog or wherever. I'd be honored.

Regarding the Coultergeist, I saw your pickup of my letter to the Mining Journal. Way cool. After learningthat NMU had booked Coulter, I worked myself into a lather, sending out a flurry of letters to various people and organizations. Here's an April 12th letterI sent to Morris Dees with a copy to the president of Enema U:

Mr. Morris Dees
Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Avenue Montgomery, AL 36104

Dear Mr. Dees,

Thank you for your team’s ongoing efforts to teach tolerance in this great nation of ours. And thank you for your personal courage to take out more than a few bad apples with civil litigation. Like balky mules, they tend to pay attention when you smack them in the wallet with a 2x4. To help with your efforts, I am increasing my donation this year by sending you money that might otherwise go to my alma mater, Northern Michigan University. At a time when tolerance is needed more than ever, NMU is spending $23,000 to engage the services of Ann Coulter as a speaker. I support free speech and believe that universities should encourage open, honest and vigorous discussion and debate of all ideas and issues. But I am appalled that the university would give a pulpit and thus its implicit endorsement to a speaker whose public record shows her to be, among other things, an anti-Semite, a misogynist and an advocate of terrorism. (“My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.") Ms. Coulter has made a career of fostering hatred, fear and division among people of different religions, races and political views. Four decades after the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, those are not values that any university should be transmitting to its students and the world at large

Enclosed please find my donation in the amount of$X,XXX. Three generations of my family worked their way through NMU. To a person, we are ashamed of our alma mater’s actions in this matter. I promise to do what I can to encourage other Northern alumni to send their dollars south to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Sincerely, Robert G. Glantz
cc: Dr. Leslie E. Wong, President, Northern Michigan University

I posted the Dees letter and some other ramblings to the NMU alumni website, including this snippet of a book review from the San Francisco Chronicle:

Re: Ann Coulter at NMU

Coulter, Huffington writes, is "the right-wing punditry's equivalent of crack or crystal meth. She's highly addictive - giving users the delirious, giddy high of outrageousness. But then the buzz wears off and they come crashing down, their spirits shriveled, their souls poisoned." - - -

Book review: Arianna Huffington on the 'lunaticfringe' By Joe Garofoli, San Francisco Chronicle Staff Writer Saturday, April 26, 2008

Apr 27 08 5:57 am - - - Back to guns, drugs and typewriters for a minute, given that you are a prof at U of M, I didn't think it likely that you were strung out on hillbilly heroin. But looking back 20 or 30 years, many of us are so lucky that we dodged the bullet. I see some poor lost soul stumbling along on Sixth Street, our wino alley, and I think how easily I could be in his shoes today. Life is fragile, fortune is fleeting. Beyond that, we lucky ones have to keep up the good fight to share our collective good fortune with those who start out life with fewer chances than we've enjoyed. In the words of that famous newspaper guy(whose name I'm too lazy to look up), we have to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. You have a good running start at it with your blog.

Keep slugging.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ann coulter is an ulcer. i do believe in freedom of speech to bad that includes ignorant hate speech.
