October 15, 2008

Pit Bulls and Fire Hoses

“It comes as a great shock around the age of 5, 6, or 7 to discover that the flag to which you have pledged allegiance, along with everybody else, has not pledged allegiance to you. It comes as a great shock to see Gary Cooper killing off the Indians and, although you are rooting for Gary Cooper, that the Indians are you.”
-- James Baldwin 1924-87: Cambridge Union, England, 17 February 1965 (On the American Dream and the American Negro)


Take a good look at Ricky Thompson here. He’s the kind of banjo playin’ Deliverance He-Bloken, Limbaugh worshippin’, redneck hayseed that fantasizes about a Palin blowjob while contemplating what we should do about the possibility of putting a nigger-terrorist in the White House. Here’s what he had to say about Barack Obama’s racial heritage: “He’s neither-nor. It’s in the Bible. Come as one. Don’t create other breeds.” Here’s some more chestnuts from our southern brethren: “I would think of him as I would of another mixed race. God taught the children of Israel not to intermarry.” Thank you Mr. Glenn Reynolds of Martinsdale Virginia. A guffawing James Halsey had this to say: “He’s going to tear up the rose bushes and plant a watermelon patch.” Hardyharhar! Jim Pagans of Roanoke Virginia wisely noted that although Obama was “half-Caucasion,” he had the characteristics of the blacks.” WOW!

Recall this passage from Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican convention: “And a writer observed, ‘We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity,’ and I know just the kind of people that writer had in mind when he praised Harry Truman.” This “writer” Palin is referring to is none other than the notorious right wing bigot, Westbrook Pegler. Who, you may ask, was Westbrook Pegler? Tiphanie Dickson, a defense attorney who specializes in international criminal law offers a description of Pegler and some of his quotes: “’This Truman,’ Pegler wrote, when Harry was nominated for vice president, ‘is thin-lipped, a hater, and not above offering you his hand to yank you off balance, and work you over with a chair leg, a pool cue, or something out of his pocket.’ Pegler's earlier description of Truman lacks in homespun integrity what it more than makes up for in grit: Truman is portrayed as a pit bull, another of the strongest notes in Palin's speech. Westbrook Pegler was not just a Hearst populist, he was a raving McCarthyite whose hatred of communists ultimately turned his prose into anti-semitic bile.”

But let’s talk McCain. Thomas Dowd, the former Bush strategist had this to say on Tuesday, McCain “ knows that…when this race is over….he put somebody unqualified on that ballot, and he put the country at risk.” On McCain’s stooping to sic the Palinese Mastiff on what turns out to be a not-so-gullible public, Christopher Hitchens writes, “Given the nasty and lowly task of stirring up the whack-job fringe of the party’s right wing and of recycling patent falsehoods about Obama’s position on Afghanistan, she has drawn upon the only talent that she apparently possesses.” David Brooks called her a “fatal cancer on the Republican Party.” Oh yes, Palin does have one high profile admirer.

In today’s New York Times, Julie Bosman writes: “Perhaps no one else in the media has gushed over Gov. Sarah Palin more than Rush Limbaugh, the conservative radio host. On Tuesday, Ms. Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president, returned the favor, calling into his show from the campaign trail in Scranton, Pa., before heading into a morning rally. ‘I tell you, I’m in a quandary here this morning,’ Mr. Limbaugh began. ‘I admire you so much. I really don’t even know what to ask.’” It really wouldn’t matter, since Palin has already shown herself incapable of answering a direct question. Of Palin and Limbaugh I would say this: simple minds think alike.

But I said McCain, so let me get back to that. Nat Hentoff, a truly maverick and bi-partisan intellectual when it comes to standing up for all citizens’ civil liberties, wrote this about Barack Obama’s crediting McCain for his stance against torture:

“His [McCain’s] actual votes in Congress tell a different, shameful story. He voted for the Detainees Treatment Act of 2005 that stripped Guantanamo Bay prisoners of their habeas corpus rights (until the Supreme Court tried to intervene). That law added an "appeal" procedure that prevented prisoners from appealing their conditions of confinement -- where the "coercive interrogations" and brutal force-feeding happened with no objection from McCain. In 2006, McCain voted for the Military Commissions Act after the Supreme Court (Hamdan v. Rumsfeld) temporarily restored habeas rights at Guantanamo. That new law essentially overruled the Supreme Court for a time and gave George W. Bush the right, by himself, to interpret the Geneva Conventions, which expressly forbid "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" of prisoners. When the president then, by executive order, continued the "special powers" he had given the CIA in their secret prisons ("black sites") wholly beyond U.S. and international laws, McCain did not object. It was in one of those prisons, we now know, that the CIA practiced waterboarding, a criminal act, according to our (and international) laws.”


No amount of bailing is going to keep the Titanic that is the American economy from sinking. Yesterday’s bailout, when the CEOs of the largest banks in the USA were handed a $250 billion dollar credit stimulus, reminded me of the scene from Titanic when Billy Zane asks if there is room for a “gentleman” in the lifeboats loading up the upper crust women and children. He, of course, survives, while the lower class masses in Steerage are delegated to a watery grave. Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at the PNC Bank, had this to say about the giveaway to the rich: “Everything the government has done is not going to prevent further deterioration in the economy. At the end of all this, what matters is what the economy does.” So what if these fat cats have been handed billions to lend. Who can buy anything when no one has a job and unemployment rate is skyrocketing. None of this band aid quick fix crap does a thing for the auto companies, and oh, by the way, any Ford, GM, Chrysler, type of merger would only lead to more layoffs and higher unemployment. Fasten your seat belts folks, the gangster vultures are getting hungry and the public feast is about to begin. Greed is the order of the day. Any fool who’s watched these money-thugs knew that the 900+ gain on Monday would be gone by today (Wednesday). And oh, by the way, as I write this the Dow is down 600+ points. These guys are so addicted to the fast buck they’ll fuck each other, or for that matter their own mothers, on the whimsical possibility of a quick profit. Let’s privatize the profits and socialize the debt. What if they had privatized medicare, or social security? I just checked again, make that down 700+ points. How’s your retirement fund doing friends?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't the folks like Ricky Thompson realize the Israelites were Jewish/Semitic. Does he think of himself as a "pure bred Jew" I think not since the only thing he seems to expouse is his supposed racial superiority and intellect, ha, ha. I think his brain is neither/nor, if he has one. Keep on honkin you honky.

Hollerin from a holler