February 20, 2008

Spring Time & You

Dear Friends:

Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. The subjects on the upcoming docket include drug dealers’ patron saints, disease, politics, music, organ peddling, existential soul searching, and other mundane topics. It’s been 2 ½ months since the last chemo and I’m feeling quite chipper. Today makes 9 days in a row that I’ve been to the gym (swimming, biking, weights and stairmaster). Rather than thinking “healthy choices” I’m thinking “healthy duties.” It’s been 17 days since I’ve taken any medication (a topic I’ll write about at length in the future). What I would say is that while I am extremely happy, if not ecstatic, about this, my brain is not. In terms of the neuropathy (nerve damage), my hands, which are slow in coming along, are now rapidly improving. I can finger pick the guitar again. The little things are important. I found out that I’m not that tough and control is an illusion. I enjoy each day for what it is, a respite from the illnesses that inevitably visit us all. And what a wonderful respite it is! To all, appreciate it.

Peace & Love - Randy
PS: Keep reading. As soon as I’m done teaching this semester, I’ll have time to hold forth prolifically, hopefully with a minimum of drivel. GO OBAMA!

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